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  • 作家相片Daisykuk Wong

愛,無分彼此 Love, No distinction between each other

我年少時,常常聽到這首歌:「有了你開心啲,咩都稱心滿意,鹹魚白菜也好好味!」我很喜歡歌詞中表達這種簡單美麗的快樂; 路邊一朵免費的蒲公英,能幻變出無數的小生命,讓愛傳遞,建立充滿希望和快樂的城市。

A little Kitten and a Little Pig share to play with a dandelion, the small white feather drips from the wind, it represents Love is all around us, let's share the love out more!

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